Dear Mom


Dear Mom, 

You’ve got this. 

Look how far we’ve come. Remember all those tears you shed over my birth not going as you hoped, and then my extended NICU stay? When it hit week six and you didn’t think you could do it anymore, you did it for two and a half more weeks! And you advocated for my transfer to Phoenix Children’s Hospital. You did that, Mom, you’re so strong!! And I got the surgery I needed and I’ve been growing stronger each day since. 

And soon as I came home, you questioned if you were the best person to care for me, you thought I’d be better off with a couple. But it’s you, Mom, it’s you. I chose you and you chose me. And I hope you never forget the miracle it was to conceive me. In spite of the constant reminder from the doctor of the unlikelihood of a successful IUI on the first try, you stood so firm in your belief that God had given you the opportunity to be a mother. Your faith beat the odds, Mom!! And me having Down syndrome isn’t because of your age or because of the way I was conceived. It just is what it is and you don’t need to question it or try to figure out why. All you need to know is you were made for this, Mom. We were made for each other. 

And let me please remind you that you’re not doing this alone. Remember all the friends who have come to visit (and continue to keep coming!)? And all the meals and gifts we’ve received (and continue to receive!)? And all the friends and family who have taken care of me so you could return to work? And all the nurses, therapists and doctors who cared for me while I was in the hospital and now? And don’t forget all the new friends you’ve been making along the way, including those other incredible moms of kids with Ds... Mom, we are supported and loved more than you will ever know. 

There isn’t a mountain we can’t move. 

We’ve got this.



**click to see post on @dearmomconference


This Is 42


Tiny Feet